The app that adjust your latte to the weather conditions, based on geolocation

  • 21 June 2018

Juan Valdez app

The brand decided to reach its goal through dynamic creative technology, which allowed the connection between 2 important elements – brand and its users, weather and the day time.
Through this technology and depending on the time of the day, customers could find several dynamic banners with options of products to consume. Also, depending on climate and location in Bogota where they were, they could receive according options to the temperature of the place. For example, if in any specific area of the city it was raining, they receive hot products options to choose. And if at the same time, in another area of the city the temperature was hot, the app offers another list of products to choose from.
In addition, based on geolocation, the user might receive directions via the app to the nearest store.


The geolocation technology enabled the brand to have impact over the audience at the time and right place. Juan Valdez used for the first time in its history, the DCO technology and spread very targeted messages to its audiences starting from location, temperature, weather and time of the day. So, the main mechanism was based on finding public within a 500-meter radius of physical cafés in Bogota. The other triggers were time of the day and temperature.
Considering that mobile devices are the only enablers that allow users to watch in real time different types of ad units, the brand intended to use this valuable information and engage users through a very customized communication.  So, users were connected through their mobile phones not only to their favourite latte or cappuccino, but they could also choose their products depending on weather and temperature factors. The list of Juan Valdez products became adjustable to each time of the day.


The brand managed to get more than 900k impressions during the campaign. According to the reports, we achieve more than 5% engagement between users and brand. In addition, Juan Valdez managed to get more than 6000 clicks on its banners and the interaction rate was of 5 seconds. The coffee brand also increased the number of visits into its stores. 


Due to a continuous growth in coffee consumption in Colombia and to a toughen in innovative offer in the beverage and coffee products in the recent years, Adsmovil developed a rich media campaign for Juan Valdez as an opportunity to strengthen and promote consumer habits in Colombia and to offer them a bonding and interactive experience.
The switch to digital also allows the brand to boost sales, increase the number of store visits and surprise users with a creative campaign through mobile devices.



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